The waiting game

Kat was due to have our baby on Monday. Two days later, she still looks pretty fat, and I can’t see any soiled nappies anywhere, so I guess that hasn’t happened. This isn’t a new, or shocking phenomenon; first babies are often a week late – in some countries your due date for the first is 41 weeks rather than 40.

However, what’s weird for me is that the reality of the situation seems to be decreasing. For three weeks now, I’ve been going to work, expecting a call at any moment, “IT’S COMING!”, followed by a frantic dash back home, en route to the hospital.

Justice in a jug. Watery justice.

There is a female bay on one of the surgical wards in our hospital. 6 beds, 6 women. Usually this is fine, people get on well, they chat, they eat, they sleep, they get better and, eventually, they go home. Sometimes, however, there can be problems.

2 nights ago, one of the patients, Doris, an elderly lady with dementia, spent the night shrieking, and making a fuss. This has an impact on everyone in the bay; no one had much sleep that night.

Farewell to XP with Comic Style

Short post today – I have just bought a new HP EliteBook 6930p laptop, and am thus in the process of upgrading, transferring and sorting my old HP Compaq nc6400.

Since I have a final day or so to spend with my old and faithful machine, and since my new laptop is running Windows 7, it is time for me to say goodbye to Windows XP. With my desktop also running 7, I now have no computers left on the 9 year old operating system.