Final final final final finals…

As you may have realised, I failed my medical finals last month, and thus my exciting summer web design to do list has dramatically altered. In fact, more than altered, I would say it’s been devastated. What once was a bright, shining list of potential future achievements has now become: Don’t do any fun stuff any more. Revise.

Since it is easy to spend a month revising without covering anything important, I have made a revision timetable, which I am sticking to (I hope). My resit exams are on the 21st and 26th June, so prayer is appreciated, as are gentle/unsolicited reminders to knuckle down and get on with it (thanks Lois!).

Day Ten – 3am is good at damping enthusiasm

Well, we woke up at 3am, in time to walk up the last 45 minutes of mountain and watch dawn. We looked at each other, gauged our tiredness, and, who would have guessed it, decided to go another time, and went back to sleep.

I had a really disturbing dream. I dreamt you appeared here in Africa, and told me that I had to come home for, I think, Mark’s birthday. For some reason I came, only to discover it wasn’t for another 10 days, and I’d cut my trip short for no reason. I then found out I didn’t have enough money to fly back, and stormed round the house, crying and shouting at you, because I was so angry.

Day Eight – Continuing Frenzied Activity

So I’m trying to do everything at once, and it’s stressing me out! So today, I am going to go camp up a mountain. Unfortunately we haven’t left yet (Mohau is late, surprise surprise, the South African isn’t on time), and it gets dark soon.

Oh well. Sorry we couldn’t talk earlier, and sorry that I was so distracted. I love you anyway, I just need to do loads of stuff here, and talking to people gets in the way. I’m not as bad as when I’m in my house, but it’s also not far off.