Using Markdown styles with Affinity Publisher 2

Many of us like to write in Markdown when writing draft work. It allows you to work without complicated formatting but still apply styles such as bold or italic. This is done using tags like # to denote titles or surrounding phrases with * to denote bold, italic or bold italic.

Unfortunately, Affinity Publisher doesn’t (currently) support importing files in Markdown. However, it’s the work of a few minutes with search and replace and the correct terms. Here’s how to import Markdown and still keep all your styles.

Many many plans

So, I have finished my exams. And that leaves me a few short weeks to tackle a variety of projects. Taking inspiration from Lifehacker, I am making a list on here of stuff I am aiming to achieve. Get healthy: The next 7 weeks, my first hour of each day is exercise. Keep me accountable on this one please! A new YesIts.Us website: The Lowry Family homepage, in full technicolor. Need to update this, and create a blog for my darling wife. Install Windows 7 on my PC: I only bought it 5 months ago, and already I feel I should probably install it! Make A wedding site for my housemate. Do some more work on Cutting Edge: my large corporate project has been put on hold, but that’s no excuse not to do anything on it. Finish Let’s get the Crookes homepage up and running for everyone! A new Everyone’s favourite charity, soon getting a new website. Design by committee – the best way! Get my server set up: It’s working fine, but its time to get that software running properly, with regular backups, and every PC in the house being served! Redesign This site is no longer an active portal, so let’s make it a little more fresh and helpful! Start a peer reviewed journal: Coming soon – The Online Journal of Medicine (also known as OnJoM). Get tagging: Put post tags on every post on my