Viva España!

This is my final post from the Canaries, since we are getting the plane home in a couple of hours. For now, I will briefly tell you about our experience of the world cup final.

Anyway, on Sunday we were invited by some friends to go to a locals’ Canarian bar to watch the match. We arrived, and were immediately decorated with red and yellow facepaint, and greeted with cheers of “Viva España!” One chap had an old car horn that made a vuvuzela sound like a penny whistle – it was loud, irritating and wonderful.

Honk! Honk! HOOOOONK!

I´m writing this on the balcony of our new apartment in Corralejo. Well, technically I´m writing it on a computer in an internet cafe, after having written it old school style last night on a piece of paper. Currently rather hoping the owner of said cafe doesn´t notice how much sand there is on the floor, chair and keyboard.

Anyway, we are here having moved from out (pretty shoddy) previous apartment, a move paid for entirely by our travel agents. Considering that we have only paid €320 for two weeks in our old apartment and the new one is €300 for just one, I´d say that they´ve helped us out nicely. Another proof that complaining works.