I’ve set myself a few goals this year. No big massive resolutions, just a few incremental bits I’d like to do or change.

I’m going to use my blog to reflect on them. I may write something every week or just when something stands out for me – blogging regularly was not one of my plans for the year…

10K Chris

Following on the heels of my determined decision to become fit, slim and healthy a couple of years ago, I’ve been running pretty regularly. Since then, I’ve clocked up roughly 700km of sweaty boring hours, and have even begun to find it less boring, if no less sweaty.

Last year I completed my first Triathlon, and yesterday… I managed my first proper 10K road race. I thought I would share a little about it below.

Six kilos in six weeks: the difficult second album

After a very principled and well behaved week one, I did less well, but still acceptably this week.

  • I have overshot on every single day…
  • …including one day where I managed an extra 1423 kcal!

Despite how bad that sounds, I only overshot by an average of 73kcal on the weekdays. I could see my weights were on track, so allowed myself a rest day on Saturday.