CMF Conference: Day One

As you may remember, this summer I went to the 2 week Christian Medical Fellowship’s Developing Health course, and blogged fairly extensively about it (read all 11 posts here…)

I had so much fun that I thought I would attend the CMF Junior Doctors conference. Entitled “Faith at Work”, there are a range of seminars covering a wide range of topics, and some central teaching looking at the book of James. Plus hanging out with lots of similar minded junior doctors, and eating too much tasty food.

A photo of a Basketball Air Magic

It always happens; I get to that point of year where shorts suddenly become acceptable, and then I remember a momentous truth – I am the greatest living basketball player on earth.

And yes, I’m 5 ft 9, and yes, I can’t shoot straight, and yes, I’m rather unfit, and yes, I always try to spin the ball on my finger, but instead drop it every time, but the fact remains – I love basketball.

Five things I hate about cycling: Cars

Its taken a month, but I have finally completed my exhaustive analysis of everything wrong with cycling. After hills, sweating, roads and punctures, all that remains is my very least favourite thing about cycling: Cars. The problem

Risk is an interesting phenomenom in our society. On the one hand, environmental health can shut you down if you make a sandwich without washing lettuce; on the other, there’s no legal barrier to sitting on a flimsy metal frame with half inch wheels, doing 30 mph on uneven tarmac as lorries overtake you at 70, with a feeble layer of polystyrene as your sole protection.