Health, plugs and marriage

So I was ill for a few days, but happily I feel a lot better. Not much to say here today except to publicise two things:

Number one: This is my medicine revision website, which I have been running since my very first year. We are about to launch into doing medical smartphone reviews – so please check that out. We are also hoping to see more people contributing to the site itself, so if you have any questions, please get in contact with me.

Number two: I’ve been really impressed with the following book: The Web Designer’s Idea Book, a showcase of some of the best sites I’ve ever seen, with categorising and comments from the bloke behind If you have a passion for web design, and you appreciate the art and logic behind good design, I think this book is for you.

That’s about it – except check out the photos of Mark and Beth’s wedding this weekend…

Ta ta, Chris

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