What next? How we save the NHS.

The Government, and Jeremy Hunt, have imposed the new Junior Doctor contract.

In so doing, they continue to demonstrate their terrifying lack of respect for the commitment and intelligence of the 53,000 junior doctors who work for the NHS, not to mention the 377,000 nurses, 97,000 senior doctors and 74% of of the general public who seem to understand that if we lose significant numbers of juniors, the whole system will collapse…

So, what’s next? I’m not in charge of the BMA, but here’s my proposal…

‘Will I Be Able to See You Next Time?’

Or… “Why patients miss having a regular doctor, and how the new junior doctor contract risks making the situation worse.”

Despite being nearly thirty, married for nearly a decade, with two children, I am a “junior” doctor. Technically, I am a GP Registrar. It’s written on my door, and none of my patients understand what it means. I often get the joke “Does that mean you can marry us after you’ve listened to my chest?”.