WordCamp Sheffield 2014

If you’ve read my blog in the past, you know that I’m a huge fan of WordPress, and before we moved to Boston, an active member of the Sheffield WordPress User Group.

Today, I’ve attended the UK National WordCamp, which has been hosted by some of my friends from my time at the user group in Sheffield. Myself and my friend Dave drank lots of coffee, jumped in the car with Iron Maiden on the stereo, and popped over for the day.

Why Not Actually Finish Something You Have Started? Blog redesign

I’ve been planning on a blog redesign for at least 6 months now: probably more. Not much has happened. I need a kick up the bum.

I got all excited, I made a design, and then I did about a day’s work on the CSS. And then nothing. In order to nag myself into getting more done, I have decided to launch the unfinished theme. This is it. As you can see, its a little rough round the edges.