Day Thirty One – Stuck in a car, but it could be worse…

Good and horrible at the same time, is how I would describe today.

I’ll deal with the horrible first. We got up early, my body aching from the previous two days exercise. I was loaded into the back seat of the car with two young girls, fine in small doses, but rather high on the “Uncle Chris, why are you sitting in that seat? Uncle Chris, why are you looking tired? Uncle Chris, why are you breathing heavily? Uncle Chris, why are you your hands round my neck…” factor. I then spent most of the next 6 hours, cramped next to them, hot, tired and thus a little stressed. It was worth it though…

Photo Thirty – Quadruple your money’s worth

All these pictures are pretty hi res, so click on them to see a bigger one Can you see the baboons on the rocks in this one. They look far away, but at points they were only about 50 metres away. Pretty scary, but luckily I had a stick!

If I’m honest, I was pretty happy to be taking this photo, and not standing on a 20 foot rock on the edge of a cliff in a strong wind.

Day Thirty – And up we go…

And then came my Sabbath again. Many hours of the morning were spent lazing around, and around midday I decided I had earnt a bath.

I was laying there, the water welling up around my tired, aching body (going for a run and playing football yesterday was a bad idea), I hear the doorbell ring. Somewhere, at the front of the house, someone has arrived.

Day Twenty Eight – I just remembered I’m losing to you 67-66!

Today we had the ladies from Lesotho come to visit. We took them to see all the various activities that we organise, such as the orphanage, and the feeding kitchens. They were pretty impressed, which is a good thing, since we are hoping to get some funding from them.

After they had gone, we had a meeting with Pastor Mark, to discuss how things were going. I had prepared a report with Mohau, going over everything that we had aimed to achieve, including our applications to pretty much every computer organisation and company within South Africa, for help setting up a computer centre. Sadly, we still haven’t heard any positive responses yet, but we can pray.