Six kilos in six weeks: the difficult second album

After a very principled and well behaved week one, I did less well, but still acceptably this week.

  • I have overshot on every single day…
  • …including one day where I managed an extra 1423 kcal!

Despite how bad that sounds, I only overshot by an average of 73kcal on the weekdays. I could see my weights were on track, so allowed myself a rest day on Saturday.

Six kilos in six weeks: 1 week in

The first question in any diet is: have I fallen off the wagon yet? I’m happy to say no. I have overshot, on one day by 250kcal… …but I’ve also been under it by 137kcal on one day too.

In the last week, based on a basal metabolic requirement of 2400 kcal per day, I’ve averaged a daily deficit of 996kcal, leaving me just a smidge under 7000kcal down for the week…


Six kilos in six weeks: finishing what I started.

I’ve been taking a more proactive approach to my health over the last two years. Amongst over achievements, I have:

  • Lost around 16kg (Around 2 stone, 8 lb) – 18% of my entire weight.
  • Dropped my BMI from 28 (Nearly obese) to 23 (Middle of normal).
  • Started running – and competing in a weekly 5K at
  • Taken part in my first Triathlon.