Take some Pudding home…

Thanks for all the friendly offers of a home for our dog. Pudding has been given a home over the next year, so please – no more offers, its heartbreaking having to keep saying no!

This is a heartfelt plea to see if anyone would be able to provide a home for our dog Pudding over the next year.

Myself, Katherine and our children are all off to South Africa from the end of August until July, working in a hospital, and trying to avoid being eaten by hippos.

Unfortunately, its too difficult and expensive to take our two lovely dogs with us for this period. Hezebelle, our 8 year old collie, has a temporary home with a friend for 11 months, so we just need somebody who would like to support our work over this year… by looking after a slightly annoying Labrador.

IMGP1455Pudding is 6. She is half collie, half Labrador, and 75% moron.

She plays well with children, and other dogs – there might be a settling in period for a day or two with dogs – she loves to be with people and animals.

She is a scaredycat – we have chickens, its funny to watch her run away from them round the garden. If you don’t have a chicken, we can lend you one. She will bark at your front door, but she shuts up pretty quickly, and there’s no aggression in her, she’s just saying “OH NO, THERE’S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR?!”.

She is fully housetrained. That said, she is still an animal, and she is known to eat ridiculous things like sticks and frogs, so I can’t guarantee that you won’t have one or two accidents in 11 months – but it shouldn’t be more than that.

She is a food lover. She will eat anything you offer her – and the occasional poorly guarded thing that you don’t – but she is reasonably well behaved. For example, if you put cake on a table and said “Pudding, do not eat that cake!”, you can be pretty sure the cake is fine. If you put a tub of butter on a chair, and just wander away… there’s a reason she is called Pudding. We will pay for her food whilst we are away.

She is lazy. She is happy with 5 walks a day, but she also manages with 2 a week. Half the time we have to call 3 times to wake her up in the morning to go out. She will likely not even notice if you leave her alone for the majority of the day at work, and has been threatening to become wider than she is tall ever since we got her.

She is a much loved part of our family, and I’m confident that she would settle into yours too. If you think this is something you would be able to take on, please give us a call, an email, or whatever. In looking after her, you’d be supporting a young family as they go on mission to help those in need in Africa.


2 thoughts on “Take some Pudding home…

  1. If you’re still looking for someone to look after her while you’re away, I’d be overjoyed to take her! One of your friends linked to this on her facebook I think, and I saw it. I think we’d be a perfect fit, and I’d take really good care of her. 🙂

  2. Hi, we have a small 3bed house (but large garden) a 2 yr old, a 3year old (boys) and 2 chickens! If your still looking for a home for pudding we might be interested . My husband is concerned that we may not have space for him, and my biggest concern is how he will get on with our boys! Where do you live and would we be able to meet Pudding before saying we’ll look after him for you?! Thanks x

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