Our visit to Edale

So, last weekend we went to Edale, camping, and had a nice time.

Edale is a remote town in the Peak District, and we stayed at Fairhead campsite, and would recommend them. We had an excellent meal, and two excellent shandies at the Old Nag’s Head. I say excellent, Katherine thought that the bitter smelt of wee, and the lager tasted like disinfectant. But she’s a girl, so she doesn’t really know what she is talking about when it comes to beer. She did enjoy the food. I am diplomatically saying nothing about her ability to appreciate food.

The video below will not be of particular interest to anyone except close family, or people that really like watching Collie dogs run around Kinder Scout. If you watch this, thank you for being someone that cares that much about us!

Our visit to Edale. from bigonroad on Vimeo.

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