Photo Three – The Pile Of Stuff

The following post is from a series of emails I wrote to my girlfriend at the time, whilst on a trip to Africa. She is now my wife, so I did something right.

Click the picture for a bigger idea, but this is all my stuff.

Notice my list, with all the items I think I need. Yup, that’s right – I stole it off Dad. It’s his laminated reusable holiday packing list. Ain’t that just great.

The one thing here that I so wish I could take, yet can’t, is crouching at the back, looking mischevious…

…I am going to miss that hairy, muddy, scratchy idiot so much.

One thought on “Photo Three – The Pile Of Stuff

  1. hehe she looks like she wants to sneak into your bag…

    im less stressed about the car but im just hoping and praying that it wont cost much and that the driver will treat me with grace and not rip me off! It’s weird how i knew something was going to happen today.

    i love you so much and im really gonna miss you. i hope that your jouney goes well and that u arrive safely. im really proud that you’re going and i think ull have a great time.

    ill be praying for you everyday and my thoughts will always be with you

    love you quorn sausage

    Katherine xxx

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