Religion vs Jesus (video)

I don’t pretend to have all the answers to Christianity, but I often find church a distraction, Christians a frustration, and – more importantly – antithetical to many of Jesus’ statements. This video makes that point fairly admirably.

Also, from a purely aesthetic perspective, there is some beautiful flow and rhyme in this, with great visuals, and a subtle but supportive typographical underlay. If that’s your sort of thing…

Deeper reverence

Just got back from church this morning, and one of the songs really spoke to me.

Now, those amongst you who grew up in the painfully religious churches of this land will probably be familiar with this particular monotonous dirge. However, if you can manage to shake off the memory of boredom from overlong services, and songs sung with a lack of passion that adequately mirrored the congregation’s engagement with God, the words of this song are pretty beautiful.