Day Fourteen – Bang BANG!

The following post is from a series of emails I wrote to my girlfriend at the time, whilst on a trip to Africa. She is now my wife, so I did something right.

Once again spent the whole night dreaming, which meant I woke up knackered. Last night I dreamt about having to fly back through Africa, try to get home, and I didn’t have a passport, and no tickets, but I just kept blagging it onto planes, then somehow landing in the wrong place again. I don’t remember much except seemingly spending the entire night pleading with airline officials. Odd.

Today we went to a meeting with the Ministry of health, where they outlined what funding they are going to provide, and the very specific, long-winded way we will need to claim it. Interestingly, its all part of a new EU partnership; they are getting ideas on how to run their health system from our pathetics attempts – if the NHS had to deal with 7 million HIV positive people, it would utterly and completely collapse.

Anyway, that took much of the day, plus we had another meeting with a separate charity, that want to give us funding in exactly the same area; Home Based Care. Needless to say, my days for the next week will be spent with registration documents and funding proposals. Fun!

This afternoon, we got to play with some guns. First I fired a 9mm handgun, followed by a .38 revolver. Then I had a go with a .22 rifle, which I was much more comfortable with, since I have a .22 air rifle at home; I was pretty good with it, got all my shots pretty much with 3 inches of each other, from 25 metres.

I then got a go with the big mahoona! A double barrelled shotgun! Shamole! From 100 metres, I hit a man sized target 7 times in one shot (Each shot contains 16 pellets). It kicked like a horse, but it was worth it lol.

This evening, I finished our EP, and mostly polished off the Tshwaranang website. Bed at 12 was late, but needed.

“God answered Solomon, “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked possessions, wealth, honor, or the life of those who hate you, and have not even asked long life, but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may govern my people over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge are granted to you. I will also give you riches, possessions, and honor, such as none of the kings had who were before you, and none after you shall have the like.”

2 Chronicles 1:11-12

I want to be wise.

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