
If you’ve arrived here, you’ve probably heard about my book of dice-dictated microfiction – The Die Decides?

In it, I roll a ten sided die 3 times, to determine the length, category and theme of stories. Each piece is individually illustrated and rather fun.

If you’ve not read it yet, why not pick up a copy from Beyond Cataclysm books

Tell me what to write!

The premise of the book is simple. Roll a die 3 times, and write whatever the die tells you. The challenge is in being constrained, losing your freedom and relying instead on your creative instincts to get you out of jail.

The table I rolled on was chosen by my backers, and you can read it below, but why bother with that when we have clever automated magic?

Simply click the button to get a story prompt…

The Die Has Decided...

Please write 200 words,
in the category of 'Horror'
sprinkling in the theme of 'Betrayal'!

Result Length Categories Theme
1 100 words Horror Hope
2 200 words Science Fiction Betrayal
3 300 words Crime Surprise
4 400 words Mystery Survival
5 500 words Historical Acceptance
6 600 words Punk Dinner Time
7 700 words Drama Green Leaves
8 800 words Outdoors Technology
9 900 words Casino Urban
10 1000 words Cookery Mastery