Religion vs Jesus (video)

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I don’t pretend to have all the answers to Christianity, but I often find church a distraction, Christians a frustration, and – more importantly – antithetical to many of Jesus’ statements. This video makes that point fairly admirably.

Also, from a purely aesthetic perspective, there is some beautiful flow and rhyme in this, with great visuals, and a subtle but supportive typographical underlay. If that’s your sort of thing…

2 thoughts on “Religion vs Jesus (video)

  1. Listening to Casting Crowns, I find that their songs constantly warn us of empty religion, of “plastic” steeples, of ignoring the poor and outcasts and not offering them a welcome in our churches. On the topic of exclusivity among Christians they write ” Jesus is going to save the world, the best thing we can do is just get out of the way”. On presenting a “perfect face” to the congregation they write “is there anyone in Church today who fails, anyone who falls?” On doing great in Church on Sunday but losing that determination in the rest of thr week, they write “Will I lose my follow through between the altar and the door? On not bringing the gospel to a dying friend they cry out “why am I so ashamed? and talk about things that pass like the weather instead. The newest album is called “the Altar and the door” and is really worth a close listen. Its OK to love God and not love the way your church functions, but you must still go, he wants us to live in fellowship with our brothers and sisters, but we need to show them a better way and always, always remember that the biggest reason people don’t come to church is the behaviour of other Christians. We must be exemplary ourselves setting a good example of love, but we should not tolerate gossip, meanness, factions, exclusivity or pride in our churches. We are here to serve and to lead people to salvation “Christ paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who can come”

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